Thursday, December 11, 2008

'Three for Three'

I have, apparently, been Tagged by Danacea to Blog this particular meme. Oh joy.

So therefore, in a spirit of inter-Blogger loyalty, here are my Threes:

Top Three non-work Websites:


Guido Fawkes;

My Blog (for reading your comments).

Top Three Cocktails:

The Waterloo-Bridge Sunset
a heady blend of 2 parts methylated spirits and 1 part Buckfast Tonic Wine, topped up with urine and finished with a dash of Brasso. Serve at outdoor temperature, in a salvaged Starbucks cup.

The Tech-Support Screwdriver
14 parts Laphroig, served in a tall glass over the still-twitching body of the last luser to annoy you.

The Bloggertini
4 parts vitriol, 1 part research, 3 parts speculation and 1 part dishonesty, served over crushed grammar in a chilled RSS Reader.

Top Three Karaoke Songs:

'The Sound of Silence (is better than your wailing)' by When Can We Leave?;

'Silence is Golden' by Hope Over Experience;

'Sing it Again (And I Will Personally Tear Out Your Vocal Cords and Use Them To Tie Your Jaw Shut)' by Dungeekin

There. Done. Enjoy.

I tag:
(If I have to suffer, you buggers can too...)

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