Friday, December 12, 2008


On 11 November every year, we remember those who have died in the uniform of this country. We honour the dead with wreaths of poppies, with the Last Post and with the words of Lawrence Binyon in our ears:

"They shall not grow old, as we that are left grow old
Age shall not weary them, nor the years condemn.
At the going down of the sun, and in the morning.
We will Remember them."

Unless, of course, you're the Home Office.

Colour Sergeant Krishnabahadur Dura, 36, of the 2nd Battalion The Royal Gurkha Rifles, was killed in action just four days after Remembrance Day. His sacrifice is remembered and rewarded by the Government as follows:

That is how our Government remembers those who serve this country with honour and pride.

Machiavelli and 'Looking For A Voice' are both leading on this, and I'm not surprised. Every time I think our Regime could sink no lower, they manage to plumb new depths.

I am revolted.

Please link this story and those of Machiavelli and 'Looking For A Voice'.

UPDATE: The MP for Colour Sergeant Dura's constituency is Julian Brazier TD MP. He is supporting the family's cause. Please show him your support.


  1. Ghurkas: Good enough for a statue outside the MOD, not doing enough to warrant residence in the country they fight for, though.

  2. Anonymous10:21 am

    Ah - your Tweet confused me (posted this in the wrong place -
    let's try again!)

    My grandfather served alongside the Gurkhas in India. An awesome people. Ayo Gorkhali!

    Time for poetic comments, I think. I wrote this 4 years ago:-

    To live for, yearn for, that glorious killer,
    that brassy pointed barrel filler,
    to kiss the sun, embrace a darkness,
    to kill the bystanders, to silence a witness.
    Passion fuelled,
    excuses pre-filled,
    a cleaned and oiled and slicing death
    that explodes in you and steals your breath
    a thing you “wield” instead of “use”
    to produce a horror that makes the news
    and gets glamourised by Hollywood
    in silly tales to win an award
    and unthinking plaudits from boring cynics
    who ignore the truth behind the edits
    of children’s parents dead and gone
    and mother’s children who wont come home.

    Marching men who sound out songs
    and epithets like the “happy throng”
    the “band of brothers” and “alpha force”
    ignore the facts as a matter of course
    that war is bad and people die
    and tragedy is what makes us cry
    not actor’s looks or the jutting chins
    of handsome heroes with perfect grins.

  3. Anonymous10:58 am

    Umm, is there an actual article saying that they are going to be deported or is this just a case of local media jumping on a half-assed bandwagon? If the family have actually been threatened with deportation then i understand your issue, especially considering that the kids were born here but nothing in the links provided says that is the case so far.

  4. LizS4ra:

    Please check the links again - there is a link to the relevant article.

    Admittedly, it was added subsequent to the posting.


  5. Not sure whether it is sad or fitting that many veterans are treated as badly here in the US. These brave men are good enough to serve, fight, and often die for us, but when it come time to take care of our veterans and their families afterward we let them down. Very, very sad.
