Thursday, June 04, 2009

BNP Leader Griffin Found Dead

Griffin. Dead. Good.

BNP leader Nick Griffin has been found dead in a London hotel room, having apparently committed suicide.

Officers were called to the unnamed hotel at 3pm this afternoon, and a Metropolitan Police spokesman has confirmed that a body, positively identified as that of the British National Party Leader, was found hanged from a shower attachment.

Griffin, 50, was known to have been suffering from depression following a recent television appearance.

Having been asked to take part in the BBC Television series 'Who Do You Think You Are?', Mr Griffin had reportedly traced his family back to the Battle of Hastings in 1066. However, he had been traumatised to discover that his great-great-great-great-great-grandfather was, in fact, Nicola de Gryphone, the illegitimate son of a French noblewoman and a Moorish warrior, and whose archers were directly responsible for the death of King Harold.

A source close to Mr Griffin said that the far-right 'politician' had been unable to deal with the emotional pain of being a 'racial foreigner', according to the BNP's own rules, and that he was facing expulsion from the BNP on the grounds of 'being a darkie'.

The Metropolitan Police spokesman said that they were not looking for anyone else in connection with the death, and that anyway they couldn't really be bothered to investigate it.


  1. Hi. I think I'm in love with you.

  2. Class.

    Don't understand the last para though - would think the Met would be up in arms about it, ordered to shoot anyone brown and that big triangular metallic spinning thing hung at half mast.

  3. If only... If only...


  4. Anonymous8:31 am

    Such hope lit up when I read the title - how disappointing to find it is not true!!

  5. Anonymous9:12 pm

    Get a life you sad idiot

  6. Anonymous4:36 pm


    i hope he does actually die

    fat cock eyed cunt

  7. Anonymous10:31 pm

    Bearing in mind a 15-year old can't give his/her consent to sex, how's it possible for a 2-year old to consent to circumcision?

    Why do we try to ban fox hunting, but let animals suffer five minutes or more thrashing as the blood drains out of them just because some guy in the desert 1500 years ago did that to preserve the meat?

    Why is Martin McGuiness, a guy caught with 250lb of explosives allowed to be in government, but Nick Griffin not, just because of some viewpoint? In case you didn't realise, viewpoints don't blow people up, explosives do?

    So have your fun bashing Nick. He's easy pickings, and quite a crank with his odd racist views, but that only goes to show the strength of his policies. He's got 1M people to vote for him IN SPITE OF being a holocaust denier. That only goes to show he has something worth saying doesn't it?

  8. Bearing in mind a 15-year old can't give his/her consent to sex, how's it possible for a 2-year old to consent to circumcision?

    Do different situations

    Why do we try to ban fox hunting, but let animals suffer five minutes or more thrashing as the blood drains out of them just because some guy in the desert 1500 years ago did that to preserve the meat?

    How an animal is killed has no bearing on it's preservation. It's how the meat is treated after death that dictates how long it lasts.

    Why is Martin McGuiness, a guy caught with 250lb of explosives allowed to be in government, but Nick Griffin not, just because of some viewpoint?

    I don;t agree that Martin McGuiness should be in the position he is in, but how is Fat Nick 'not allowed' in government? There is nothing stopping him if he is properly elected.

    He's easy pickings, and quite a crank with his odd racist views, but that only goes to show the strength of his policies.

    No it doesn't. It means there are lots of people who are racist and/or easily fooled.

    That only goes to show he has something worth saying doesn't it?

    No it doesn't.

  9. Maria7:31 am

    Fuck off you sick leftie freak. YOU are the cunt. As this shit is not even true, what is it? A threat? Bit harsh isn't it? Bit too violent for coward scum like you. Crawl back under your pile of shit and leave Mr Griffin to do his very honourable work. You sick, twisted ball of filth.
