Thursday, March 05, 2009

Quiz of the Week

Yes, it's time for another Quiz of the Week, because it was so stunningly successful last time.**

As always, I'll provide the answers, and the winner will be the commenter who provides the funniest questions.

The answers for this week are:

1. In Gordon Brown's right sock;

2. Under the Governor's sofa in Threadneedle Street;

3. Behind the third bush from the left on Hampstead Heath at midnight;

4. In the Oval Office;

5. On Jade Goody's dressing table.

Please leave your questions in the Comments section.

Special attention will be given to responses supplied on large-denomination UK banknotes. Fifties for preference. Or engraved on gold bars, as it's a safer currency. More risque offers will be entertained from female readers, male readers should address those offers c/o Lord Mandelson of Foy & Hartlepool, Trough House of Lords, London.

**or not.

1 comment:

  1. 1. "Where do they store the piss ?"
    In Gordon Brown's right sock;

    2. " Where is Fred Goodwin ? "
    Under the Governor's sofa in Threadneedle Street;

    3. " Where and when are we going to kill Jacob Rees-Mogg? "
    Behind the third bush from the left on Hampstead Heath at midnight;

    4." Where was it that the Prime minister shat on the floor ? "
    In the Oval Office;

    5."Safe sex guide advice from 'Cancer Can Be fun'".
    On Jade Goody's dressing table.
