Thursday, November 12, 2009

Give Gordon a Break

Gordon Brown - give him a break.

Gordon Brown should be given a break. It's the best available
option here. Of course, we know he's a laughing-stock. But
realistically, he's just a man, trapped in his position,
desperately trying to fix a situation he can't control. His
oration skills aren't up to the task - and the truth is, he knows he's
not the man for the job.

But the incessant hounding of Gollum, picking up every error,
railing continually about his poor decision-making and
odd mannerisms, is likely to be counterproductive. We all agree
we want him gone. But attacks from too many quarters will
not be seen as legitimate complaint but as a witch-hunt.

I worry that if a sentiment builds that he's being targeted, that
sympathy could be generated which could save him.

And that, dear Reader, would be a Very Bad Thing.

Forcing Brown down everyone's throats, as the Sun is doing in
unison with other MSM providers and the Blogosphere,
can't change the minds of the true Brownite voter. And the
keen Tory already knows what needs to be done. We don't want to
inculcate a sense of sympathy for Brown, and in doing so
negate the impact of the real failings we've seen in 12 years of this

Give Brown a break, therefore. Let's stop harping on about his
offences and oddities, and allow him the rope to hang himself. His
oily 'eminence grise', as Minister for Information, can't spin to
nothing the many errors and failings that the Public already know.

(Or, if you feel like I do you could read downward instead.)
This is a response to Dan Hannan's article in the Torygraph today.


  1. Suspect

  2. What sort of break?
    Arm? Neck?

  3. Neck would be best Bill.

  4. Completely off-topic, is an
    unknown method of writing
    necessary messages to power
    that good an idea?
