Thursday, October 22, 2009

Racist Loopy Nuts Are We

As the Chief Fascist Fucknut is having his undeserved 15 minutes of fame on Question Time tonight, I thought the British NaziNational Party were overdue another song.

Racist loopy nuts are we,
Members of the BNP,
We'll tell you what we will do,
If we ever get power over you

Gonna send 'em all back!
If they're yellow or brown or Jews or black,
Racist loopy nuts are we,
Members of the BNP

Now we are all as you all know,
A bunch of right-wing fruits,
Poorly bred and thick in head,
Proud of our 'English roots',
But truth be told we're a bunch of tools,
Evolutionary sub-primal,
And we're not fit to lick the bowl,
Of the local pub's urinal.

Our Leader Nick, the years he spent,
Learning Hitler's loathsome calls,
On Question Time you'll be bored stiff,
As he spouts his usual balls,
And we're amazed he ever, ever got,
An MP's seat in Brussels,
His only talent seems to be,
Fomenting racist troubles.

Racist loopy nuts are we,
Members of the BNP,
We'll tell you what we will do,
If we ever get power over you,

Gonna send 'em all back!
If they're yellow or brown or Jews or black,
Racist loopy nuts are we,
Members of the BNP

Now we say we're not racist goons,
But the public know we're wrong,
We scream of 'Reds under every bed',
When our ad campaigns go wrong,
And if we're banned from the main debate,
Then it won't stop us existing,
We'll carry on espousing hate,
Gagging us would be assisting.

If you want to see all our chances gone,
Show us to the public's eyes,
Argue fair and square, put us on the air,
And expose all of our lies,
When the light shines down on that Griffin clown,
He'll say something dumb and crass, it,
Will bring us down and show all around,
We're a nasty bunch of Fascists!

Racist loopy nuts are we,
Members of the BNP
We'll tell you what we will do,
If we ever get power over you

Gonna send 'em all back!
If they're yellow or brown or Jews or black,
Racist loopy nuts are we,
Members of the BNP

(Repeat until the public see you for the laughable racist protozoa you so clearly are).

PS: for those on Twitter - #thebnparetwats

1 comment:

  1. Brilliant as usual, and right on cue (ahem!) for this evening.

    I have linked to this on my own 'blog.
