Monday, October 19, 2009

President Obama Wins Turner Prize

Obama: "If he wins enough awards, he might actually DO something".

US President Barack Obama has been awarded the Turner Prize for Art, it was announced today.

The award comes hot on the heels of the shock announcement that President Obama had been awarded the Nobel Peace Prize, and that he has also been shortlisted for the Booker Prize for Fiction, two Tony awards and a place on the US Ryder Cup team.

Speaking through an interpreter, Turner Prize committee member Brian Sewell said, "the Committee has this year adopted the same nominations approach as the Nobel Committee in Stockholm. That is, we have picked Obama even though he hasn't actually DONE anything yet, on the assumption that he might do something artistic in the future which might be quite good, so we should give it to him anyway. Also, by giving him the prize we feel that the President might actually get on with doing something".

White House Chief of Staff Rahm Emanuel welcomed the award on President Obama's behalf, but said that the President would be unable to attend the awards ceremony due to scheduling conflicts. He added, "unfortunately the President will not be able to receive the Turner Prize in person. On the day of the ceremony he is in Hollywood, where he will be accepting the Oscar for 'Best Actor In A Film Which Might One Day Be Made In Which He Might Act".


  1. Tranvestite Ted1:21 pm

    On the basis of "encouraging what might be", surely he should win the Oscar for best Actress.

  2. I am sure 90% people are shocked when they heard that obama got the noble peace prize.... and 30% people happy... but i am not happy because he had done nothing than why he deserve it...?
