Saturday, October 24, 2009

Anglican Priests Meet to Discuss Vatican Move

Pope: "that last altar-boy was hard work, I'm sweating like Michael Jackson in a middle school"

Around 600 Church of England priests are meeting today to discuss Pope Benedict XVI's offer to make it easier for disaffected Anglican clergy to convert to Roman Catholicism.

On Tuesday, the Vatican said the Pope had approved a document known as the Apostolic Constitution, to accept Anglican priests who feel their own Church has over-modernised to join Catholicism and maintain their old traditions.

The meeting, led by the Anglican Way Forward organisation, is expected to recommend that its members, all from the conservative fringe of Anglicanism, accept the Papal offer. A spokesman for Way Forward said, "this opportunity is one not to be missed. Converting to Rome will free conservative Anglicans from the pernicious influence of women, and the Apostolic Constitution will allow us to blend our traditions of catamites and paederasty with similar Catholic traditions".

The news comes after months of bipartisan talks to establish an Altar-Boy-Sharing Agreement between the two primary branches of Christianity, and the Constitution heralds the first steps towards both churches adopting the Book Of Common Paedophilia as a core text.

A Vatican spokesman welcomed the announcement, saying, "the Apostolic Constitution is a huge forward step in relations between Anglicanism and Catholicism. We look forward to welcoming our fellow members of the clergy into our Church, and no doubt our congregation are looking forward to the new clergy welcoming themselves into their children".

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous1:18 pm

    Shame on you Dungeekin with that caption. Michael Jackson no longer sweats, he oozes.
