Tuesday, June 09, 2009

You Gotta Taunt A Fascist Or Two

As I said earlier, I believe the best way to marginalise the British Nazi National Party is not to hurl stuff at them, but to laugh at them.

So in that vein, let's have a little song. Oh, and for any BNP Members reading this**, just for the record - Fagin was Jewish.

In this life, one thing counts,
Tolerance in large amounts,
But when you see the BNP,
You've got to taunt a Fascist or two.
You've got to taunt a Fascist or two, boys,
You've got to taunt a Fascist or two.

When you see the BNP,
You've got to taunt a Fascist or two!

We don't need egg attacks,
Just the brains that they lack,
You can have fun by teasing scum,
You better taunt a Fascist or two,
You've got to taunt a Fascist or two., boys
You've got to taunt a Fascist or two..

We've got brains that they all lack,
You better taunt a Fascist or two!

Racists all, bunch of kooks!
Should be strung up on hooks,
But it's not time to cross that line,
Get out and taunt a Fascist or two.
You've got to taunt a Fascist or two, boys
You've got to taunt a Fascist or two..

Racists all, a bunch of kooks,
Let's go and taunt a Fascist or two!

When I hear Griffin bitch,
Both my fists start to itch
Only to find some peace of mind
I have to taunt a Fascist or two,
You've got to taunt a Fascist or two, boys,
You've got to taunt a Fascist or two.

Just to find some peace of mind
We have to taunt a Fascist or two!

**Or, more likely, having someone who isn't a semi-literate racist fucknut reading this to you.


  1. Great fun and an excellent piece of craftsmanship - you're setting the bar very high!

  2. Anonymous7:02 pm

    "Or, more likely, having someone who isn't a semi-literate racist fucknut reading this to you."

    Go and look at all the professionals on the BNP members list.

    I suspect a fair few people who voted for them weren't knuckle draggers either.

  3. Being right wing and anti BNP seems to evade many people nowadays..Nazism is just another alien import that like communism should be treated as the toxic pile of crap it truly is.

  4. Anonymous6:40 am

    You don't have to be racist to vote BNP, in the same way you don't have to be a fucking stupid cunt to vote Labour....oh, hang on a minute....

    I wonder what the ratios are?

  5. @Rightwinggit:

    Apologies, my bad.

    Those who can read are welcome to mentally delete the word 'semi-literate' from the quoted sentence.


  6. Excellent, but perhaps "Crooks" would be a better rhyme with "hooks"?

    Nit picking, I know!

    The Penguin
