Monday, June 08, 2009

The Dead Flag

Given the recent Election results, perhaps NuLieBore should be singing this at their next Conference?

The voters spoke, as one they said,
The Labour project now is dead,
Twas such a great joy to behold,
As not one Council did they hold,

Let's wave the Labour spin goodbye,
The time of their defeat is nigh,
Our hearts are set, our motives clear,
We'll chuck New Labour on its ear

Look 'round, they're in their final days,
Infected with a deep malaise,
No praises are for Gordon sung,
Most people think he should be hung,

Let's wave the Labour spin goodbye,
The time of their defeat is nigh,
Our hearts are set, our motives clear,
We'll chuck New Labour on its ear

And as among themselves they fight,
We watch with thinly-veiled delight;
New Labour's lies we disavow,
We must have an Election now.

Let's wave the Labour spin goodbye,
The time of their defeat is nigh,
Our hearts are set, our motives clear,
We'll chuck New Labour on its ear

Now Labour's time is clearly past,
And we have hope for change at last;
The votes were cast, the message plain,
We want the Tories back again.

Let's wave the Labour spin goodbye,
The time of their defeat is nigh,
Our hearts are set, our motives clear,
We'll chuck New Labour on its ear

The Cabinet are weak and base,
Their minds are fixed on saving face,
They cringe and fawn to Gordon Brown,
Though he's the one who brought them down.

Let's wave the Labour spin goodbye,
The time of their defeat is nigh,
Our hearts are set, our motives clear,
We'll chuck New Labour on its ear

We want this Government to fall,
We want them out, Brown, Balls and all;
Their chances of survival grim,
This song shall be their parting hymn.

Let's wave the Labour spin goodbye,
The time of their defeat is nigh,
Our hearts are set, our motives clear,
We'll chuck New Labour on its ear


  1. Bloody brilliant you nutter......

  2. Enjoyed this very much; it seems you and I have been working along spookily similar lines recently...

    Ode to Hypocrisy

    The People's flag was deepest red,
    But now its guiding lights are dead;
    Their principles and lofty aims
    Demolished by expenses claims.
    New Labour came to rule the roost
    And give their private funds a boost
    And with a supercilious sneer,
    To plant their skull and crossbones here.

    While we work hard to pay our tax,
    These parasites upon our backs
    Indulge themselves in luxury
    At the expense of you and me.
    So now it's time to play it tough
    And let them know we've had enough
    And when they're gone we'll raise a cheer;
    No more New Labour scroungers here.
    (newgatenews 17/05/09)

  3. @Macheath:

    Excellent work, Sir.

    And some good stuff on your Blog too - a site I should definitely be following in future!

    Thanks for the comment.


  4. Excellent. Do you know anyone who can sing? I would love to post it as my blog anthem. It would be very apt for The Red Rag.

  5. @Ollie

    Sadly, I don't know anyone who can sing (and my voice frightens small children and animals)...

    But you're very welcome to use the lyrics if you can find a vocalist!


  6. I'm a professional musician and have do a little singing I sound like Tom Waits so not everyone's cup of tea but if I get time I will do a version of it...if that's ok

  7. @T.E.V:

    That's more than OK, it would be great.

    If you can provide YouTube-esque video or similar, I'd be delighted to post it with appropriate credits.



  8. Ok this may take some I don't know if I will be able to do it for a day or two....but hey it could be a giggle

  9. Anonymous12:36 pm

    Didn't notice too many people joining in. Maybe the Irish are less than impressed by the New Deal on offer.

  10. Here is one Vid I did for (The Economic Voice) youtube with my daughter on vocals (Yes that's me thrashing around on the vid)......we could really have some fun with these songs will have a think on how to record it.

  11. Excellent, both of you

  12. Dungeekin its On you tube throat is killing me after singing it and my head is fried from playing all the efin instruments and arranging it and rewriting the song.....oh what I would give to be humble.

    The Economic Voice also know as Titanic Captain

  13. Dungeekin, your talents should be employed by Dave and Co in the run-up to the GE.
