Friday, June 05, 2009

Barrel Scraped, Digging Deeper....


I get it, I really do.

I know Gollum's all out of ideas, and is in the midst of losing his authority, his bladder, his cellphone and his mind as resignations and the expenses scandal take their inevitable toll.

I know he's grimly holding on to what little power he has left, and now has so few loyalists remaining that he has almost no options in a 'reshuffle'.
Justify Full

Peter Hain?!?!?!?!??

Peter 'that £103k was an innocent mistake, Officer' Hain?

Peter 'I know she's 80, but she's a good secretary' Hain?

The man who tried to claim for two second homes simultaneously and also claimed for £6000 in heating oil?



  1. My brain just went pop and is trying to escape out of my left ear ...

  2. I hear as a last resort he could be digging up Aneurin Bevan as "minister for hope"
