Monday, May 18, 2009

A Song for the Speaker - Hey Mickey!

Oh Mickey
It's your time,
It's your time,
To say goodbye,
Hey Mickey!
Hey, hey, Hey Mickey!

Oh Mickey
It's your time,
It's your time,
To say goodbye,
Hey Mickey!
Hey, hey, Hey Mickey!

You've been Speaker for nine years
And that's nine years too long
Had your nose stuck in the trough,
And been partisan and wrong,
But can't you do what's right,
And quit the Speaker's throne, Mickey?

'Cause when you said that you'd reform,
You really meant you won't
Now Carswell's little bill's
Gonna get you by the throat,
And you'll be forced to leave your grace-and-favour home, Mickey!

Oh Mickey, what a pity
You don't understand
That Parliament's corrupt
And you haven't made a stand,
Oh Mickey, you've been shitty,
Can't you understand,
It's time to go, Mickey,
Oh won't you go Mickey, go Mickey
Just quit the job, Mickey!

Hey Mickey!
Now you took the Speaker's job,
You should've said 'no',
Everytime you speak you let,
Your uselesness show,
The public's lost its faith,
It's time for you to go, Mickey!

C'mon and quit your job, at the soonest point you can
Anyway you wanna do it,
Just do it like a man
But please Mick, just get out while you can, Mickey!

Oh Mickey, what a pity
You don't understand
That Parliament's corrupt
And you haven't made a stand,
Oh Mickey, you've been shitty,
Can't you understand,
It's time to go, Mickey,
Oh won't you go Mickey, go Mickey
Just quit the job, Mickey!

Oh Mickey
It's your time,
It's your time,
To say goodbye,
Hey Mickey!
Hey, hey, Hey Mickey!

Oh Mickey
It's your time,
It's your time,
To say goodbye,
Hey Mickey!
Hey, hey, Hey Mickey!


  1. Another winner.
    its off to Europarliament for him soon.
    T%here's always a vacancy in Brussels for a man who knows how to not investigate corruption.

  2. Nice one! Maybe you should send Mr Purple Face a link to his very own song?
