Friday, May 15, 2009

Claim It!

The Standards Office gave you nothing to fear,
Don't bother with receipts, just claim for all your gear,
If you're busted for your lies, say the rules aren't really clear,
So claim it, just claim it,

Submitting claims for every penny you can,
Like flipping second homes to dodge the Customs man,
Your nose in the trough, and our cash in your hand,
So claim it, but we know we've been had,

Just claim it (claim it), claim it (claim it),
Whatever you can name, just claim it!
Rake all the cash in with all of your might,
Whether your Party's the Left or the Right,
Just claim it (claim it),
Just claim it (claim it),

We're out to get you, better quit while you can
You should've paid your dues like every other man,
We'll vote you all out, coz we're sick of your scams,
So claim it, just claim it,

It's time to realise you ought to be scared,
You're ripping off the public purse for all you dare,
You're stealing our cash,
And you think that it's fair
So claim it, claim it while you still can,

Just claim it (claim it), claim it (claim it),
Whatever you can name, just claim it!
Rake all the cash in with all of your might,
Whether your Party's the Left or the Right,

Just claim it (claim it), claim it (claim it),
Whatever you can name, just claim it!
Rake all the cash in with all of your might,
Whether your Party's the Left or the Right,

Just claim it (claim it), claim it (claim it),

(repeat until deselected or prosecuted by HMRC)....

1 comment:

  1. T' old 'un7:26 pm

    I thought at first that poking ridicule at the denizens of the Westminster Asylum by using a coloured man was a "bit off". But then I thought, well, its not really a man, and he has has plenty of bits off so what the hell "good on yer lad".
