Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Stand And Deliver!

It's Budget Day again, and we know what the 'Dick Turpin of Downing Street' desires.

Gord's the scruffy highwayman with Stalinist intention,
And his and Darling's Budgets are the main bone of contention!
To speak of Brown and Darling would use words I dare not mention,
They taxed and spent and robbed us all, and even raided pensions!

Stand and Deliver, as Budget taxes rise!
All that's delivered, is waste and spin and lies!

Gord's the scruffy highwayman, so void of charm and passion,
And thanks to all his errors the economy is crashing,
So beer and fags'll go up in today's speech Darling's making,
But Britain's had enough, they've taken everything worth taking!

Stand and Deliver, as Budget taxes rise!
All that's delivered, is waste and spin and lies!

We know coz we've seen the polls
New Labour's had its time, it's time...

You're the sleazy Highwaymen, we're tired of excuses,
You make your big pronouncements but the little person loses,
We're tired of you, Highwaymen, and we want an election!
So we can get you out and then start to rebuild the nation!

Stand and Deliver, as Budget taxes rise!
All that's delivered, is waste and spin and lies!

We know coz we've seen the polls
New Labour's had its time, it's time...

They've fiddled the numbers, they've fiddled the numbers,
They've fiddled the numbers, they've fiddled the numbers,

Stand and Deliver, as Budget taxes rise!
Stand and Deliver, as Budget taxes rise!
(Etc, etc, etc....)


  1. Anonymous7:22 am

    Not so much stand and deliver as bend over while we fuck you in the arse yet again.

  2. Anonymous2:06 pm

    The original song says 'your money or your life' under Labour it's 'your money AND your life'. I'll leave the comment at this point as I can feel a bout of Tourettes coming on (as normally happens whenever I think of Gordon or NuLabour)

  3. Best ever Adam Ant vid, oh yes, didn't Adam end up at the funny farm ?

    A lesson for Gordon and his thieving chums there.
