Thursday, April 16, 2009

LabourList Reveal New Editor

LabourList's new Editor reads up on his latest political hero.

Following the Labour Party's distancing of themselves from Derek Draper in the wake of the 'Smeargate' scandal, left-wing blog LabourList has announced that it is to take on a new editor.

In a shock development, the site's backers announced this morning that they have hired uberblogger, pundit and serial West Ham fan Iain Dale to be the new Editor of the blog.

A spokesman for LabourList said, "well, Iain's well known. And after the damage Draper did to both the site and the Party during his tenure here, having a right-winger couldn't do us any more harm, could it?"

The news has surprised Dales' billions of readers, who were convinced that he was a Conservative supporter. However, Dale dismissed their concerns, saying, "I've been a radical socialist all my life. I know all the words to 'The Red Flag' and everything, honest. And I voted for Kinnock in 1983. But seriously, my agent says it'll be good publicity and I'll have an opinion in support of anything if the cash is right, know what I mean?".

'Diary of a Geek' challenged Mr Dale to provide a copy of his Labour Party membership card, however Iain assured us that it was 'in the post'.

Mr Dale promised that the overall message of LabourList would remain unchanged, and that LabourList will not turn into a Tory spin site. However, he did admit, " I might have a few problems 'being nice about Gordon. Or Mandelson. Or Balls. Or the whole bloody lot of them, quite frankly".
Justify Full


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Naughty... but nice :-)

  3. Well, he is a fat media whore poof who loves censorship.

    Perfectly qualified it seems

  4. Hahahaha!!!


  5. Tony Blair7:00 pm

    Today Labour List tommorow the world,Iain

  6. Nadine7:02 pm

    Congratulations ducky

  7. Anonymous7:39 pm

    OUCH !!

    Harsh, but fair...

  8. Brilliant - have bookmarked your site, Dungeekin, nice light relief!

  9. And I thought Old Holborn was the number one candidate.

  10. Typical of LabourList to be so anti-blue no matter what. I mean a West Ham fan?!?!?!?!?! Was the spawn of Satan unavailable? ;)

  11. Excellent. There's never smoke without fire ...

  12. lochduart11:17 am

    What is WESTHAMFAN ? Is it a notifiable illness and has bad side effects.
