Wednesday, April 15, 2009

G20 Protests: Second Officer Suspended

Police at the G20 gearing up for their annual protester-bashing day.

Another Metropolitan Police officer has been suspended today amid allegations of misconduct during the G20 protests.

The officer, believed to be a sergeant in the TSG, is being investigated following accusations that he was polite and civil towards a G20 protester during the protests in London on April 1.

Acting at great personal risk, an independent cameraman obtained footage of the officer, who has not been named, amiably telling a female protester the time of day. Reports that the same officer was subsequently filmed helping an old lady cross the road are as yet unconfirmed.

Metropolitan Police Commissioner Sir Paul Stephenson refused to comment on the specifics of the case, but said, "we are taking these allegations extremely seriously. If one of my officers may have acted inappropriately then we must root out this misbehaviour. All my officers are fully aware of their code of conduct, and failure to administer a damn good battering to anyone within six feet is a grave breach of what I expect from officers".

Justice Minister Jack Straw called for an end to speculation and for the investigation to be allowed to proceed, adding, "the public should not be concerned that one bad-apple officer was pleasant. They should be reassured that the vast majority of police officers are officious, brutal thugs who are just looking for an excuse to arrest or thump you".

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