Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Bye-Bye Mister Damian McBride

Given the events of the last few days, I feel a song in my heart. Specifically, this one. Enjoy.

A long, long time ago,
I can still remember
That the PM used to trust McBride
But we knew if he had the chance
He'd lead us all a merry dance,
And use the press for spreading spin and lies,

But Easter Weekend saw him bitten,
For all the emails that he'd written,
Every single fake leak
Has left New Labour up shit creek,

I really hope that Draper cried,
When he had to tell us all he'd lied,
And Gordon's hopes of winning died,
The day he sacked McBride.

So bye, bye Mr Poison McBride
We'll be glad to see the back of all your venom and lies,
And now the Press are gonna eat you alive,
So it's bye bye Mister Damian McBride,
Bye bye Mister Damian McBride...

Did you dirty Nadine's name,
And you thought George Osborne's wife fair game,
And did Gordon tell you so?
And with Draper as your public troll,
You dug New Labour in a hole,
And now you'll pay for all the mud you throw. . .

We know Gordon's in this to his chin,
Though he'd promised us an end to spin
Now the PM's ego's bruised,
As he's had to cut his 'Mad Dog' loose,

You're a cowardly, scheming, lying fuck
And now you're caught, and now you're stuck,
And Gordon was shit out of luck
The day he sacked McBride.

The Tories singing,
So bye, bye Mr Poison McBride
We'll be glad to see the back of all your venom and lies,
And now the Press are gonna eat you alive,
So it's bye bye Mister Damian McBride,
Bye bye Mister Damian McBride...

Now for years you've handled Gordon's press,
And spun and lied at his behest,
But thats not how it's going to be.
You took the bit between your teeth,
You even smeared a dad in grief,
Your actions were low beyond belief,

Oh, though while your misdeeds have been found,
The true blame lies with Gordon Brown
With all the mud you've thrown,
The PM must have known,
So while Draper claims it was just a lark,
And the PM swears he was in the dark,
You were the dog he told to bark,
And now, your're sacked McBride,

With bloggers singing,
So bye, bye Mr Poison McBride
We'll be glad to see the back of all your venom and lies,
And now the Press are gonna eat you alive,
So it's bye bye Mister Damian McBride,
Bye bye Mister Damian McBride...

This morning I turned on the news,
And saw something to lift the blues,
That you've been sacked and gone away.
And there's bloggers writing posts galore,
We know that you are gone for sure,
And we hope your brand of spin has had its day,

On Labourlist the lefties scream,
The chance of a fourth term a dream,
The lies McBride has spoken,
have left New Labour broken,
And the bit that I enjoy the most,
Despite his spin and empty boasts,
Is you and Draper are both toast,
Because....you're sacked, McBride.

And we're all singing,
So bye, bye Mr Poison McBride
We'll be glad to see the back of all your venom and lies,
And now the Press are gonna eat you alive,
So it's bye bye Mister Damian McBride,
Bye bye Mister Damian McBride!


  1. The weekend off has done you good then...pmsl

  2. Anonymous12:01 pm

    Ooo..me leg's warm...

  3. Very good! Saved here for future reference: I'm sure there'll come a suitable time…

  4. Anonymous1:52 pm

    Dungeekin, you could put all the rewritten songs together and produce a musical.

  5. I was asked by email to publish the comment below:


    I have retweeted your brilliant song!


    Melissa Crawshay-Williams
    Webmaster, Boris-Johnson.com

