Thursday, April 02, 2009

Breaking News: Criminal Mastermind Hijacks G20 Summit

Dr Evil in a recent photograph taken sans Gordon Brown disguise.

Despite the massive security surrounding the London G20 Summit, reports are reaching Vitriol Towers that a criminal mastermind has broken into the ExCel Centre and has taken the G20 leaders hostage.

The criminal genius, known as 'Doctor Evil', has entered the Conference room and has forced the delegates to agree the payment of a ransom believed to be One Trillion Dollars. It isbelieved that he tricked his way past guards by disguising himself as the Prime Minister of Britain, before throwing off his mask and taking control of the Summit.

No information is as yet forthcoming as to what dastardly machinations and threats the Evil One used to force the leaders of the free world into agreeing this payment, but The Diary Of A Geek will keep readers informed as the situation develops.

1 comment:

  1. If you photoshop Brown's hair onto Doctor Evil, i reckon he would look just like the new leader of the world.
