Thursday, March 26, 2009

Richardson's Organs 'Donated To Help Others'

Relatives of the late Natasha Richardson, tragically killed in a skiing accident, have confirmed that several of her organs have been donated since her death.

Richardson, 45, died after falling during a ski lesson at the Mont Tremblant resort in Canada. She was not wearing a helmet at the time.

Her family said that donating organs was 'very Natasha', and a friend added, "At least by donating her organs something good could come out of (the tragedy)".

Unconfirmed reports indicate that Ms Richardson's eyes have been donated to Gordon Brown , her hair to the family of Jade Goody, and her talent to Keanu Reeves.

1 comment:

  1. Unfortunately, there were no takers for her mind, as it was polluted by years of listening to lefty nonsense from her family...

    wv: forski. I'm not kidding! How unfortunate...
