Wednesday, March 25, 2009

DJ Moyles in Gay Sex Arrest Shocker

Chris Moyles demonstrates what got him into trouble last night.

Fat Radio 1 DJ and well-known homophobe Chris Moyles has been arrested for gross indecency, it was revealed today.

The presenter, who makes (too) much of his heterosexuality was recently reprimanded by the BBC for unpleasant remarks concerning the sexuality of singer Will Young, remains in custody pending further enquiries and a dry-cleaning bill for a policeman's trousers.

A spokesman for the Metropolitan Police announced that Moyles, 32 stone, was arrested at 0115 this morning in a public convenience in Soho, after he allegedly performed a sex act upon a plain-clothes officer.

The spokesman said, "we can confirm that a fat, obnoxious radio presenter was arrested in the early hours of this morning, after attempting to fellate a plain-clothes detective. The individual concerned propositioned the officer for certain other acts, and asked the officer to call him 'Will'. The officer declined and arrested the individual".

Moyles was unavailable for comment, but a BBC spokesman said that they were treating the allegation with the utmost seriousness. The BBC spokesman added, "If this allegation turns out to be true, then Chris has also blown his career".

Will Young was too busy laughing to comment.

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