Friday, March 27, 2009

'Delilah' - a Rebuttal

Dungeekin's hat is well and truly tipped to The Devil's Kitchen for pointing out this awful labour site, and the even-more-awful rending of 'Delilah' on video therein.

Words of advice to Messrs Hain and Morgan: one, get a decent vocalist. And two, for SDEITY's sake get a decent lyricist. My 3yo could have done a better job of mangling Delilah.

So, by way of rebuttal, I hope you enjoy my version of 'Delilah Brown'. Tune above, for anyone who's lived under a rock for the last 30 years (like you, Derek).


We've heard all your lies and your spin and your words all ring hollow,
You've spent every cent that we've earned and you've robbed us all blind,
You've wrecked the country,
You've lied and you've cheated and driven us out of our minds.
Die, die, die, New Labour
Why, why, why, New Labour?
We can see, you've fucked up the economy,
And Britons are treated like slaves, and no longer free.

Despite all that you say, on election day we'll be waiting,
When we get the chance for a vote then we'll show you the door,
You laughed at Hannan,
When we get a General Election then you'll laugh no more.
Die, die, die, New Labour,
Why, why, why, New Labour?
So before you leave us even more poor,
Just fuck off New Labour we really can't take any more.

[insert trumpet solo here]

You laughed at Hannan,
When we get a General Election then you'll laugh no more.
Die, die, die, New Labour,
Why, why, why, New Labour.

So before you leave us even more poor,
Just fuck off New Labour we really can't take any more,
Just fuck off New Labour we really can't take any more!


  1. Absolutely brilliant!

  2. Anonymous6:21 pm

    Amazing. Wonderful, words cannot express ..... etc., etc.

  3. geoff hoon1:20 pm

    Excellent. It gave me a stiffy so I had a Timney. Thanks.
