Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Spinners, Cheats and Thieves

(with apologies to Cher)

You were born in '97 with a lot of hot air,
Populised by the grinning of Blair,
You came into power like you knew you would,
Promising us changes,
But the changes were only for your own good

Spinners, cheats and thieves
You hear it from the whole electorate
they call you
Spinners, cheats and thieves
And the next time the election comes around
You lot are going down.

Now we've Brown as the leader and the country is wrecked
You screwed the economy and lost our respect
We don't even know where our money's gone
You've bankrupted our nation
You all should be hanged for the damage you've done

Spinners, cheats and thieves
You hear it from the whole electorate
they call you
Spinners, cheats and thieves
And the next time the election comes around
You lot are going down.

So the Tories come along with a lot of hot air,
Populised by David Cameron's hair,
They'll get into power like we know they should,
Promising us changes,
And we'll hope they won't just be for their own good.

Spinners, cheats and thieves
You hear it from the whole electorate
they call you
Spinners, cheats and thieves
And the next time the election comes around
You lot are going down.

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