Thursday, February 12, 2009

Film-Maker Banned from UK

A controversial film-maker has been banned from entering the UK, just hours before he was due to speak to Parliamentarians and show his film.

It has emerged that following threats of protests, the Home Office has rescinded Mr Stephen Spielberg's visa to enter the country, citing national cohesion as the reason.

Spielberg's ground-breaking film, 'ET: The Extra-Terrestrial' has provoked a storm of controversy, containing graphic images of alien interaction with young children, apparent death and reincarnation, and flying bicycles.

Yesterday Spielberg was presented with a letter written on behalf of the Home Secretary stating that she ‘is satisfied that your statements about aliens, as expressed in your film 'ET; The Extra-Terrestrial' and elsewhere would threaten community harmony and therefore public security in the UK.’

Soon-to-be-jailed Labour firebrand Lord Ahmed had campaigned against the film being shown to Parliamentarians due to its 'insulting' content, and had threatened to bring 'an army of 10,000 Flat-Earthers' to Westminster to protest were the film to be shown.

Child protection groups have also been up in arms at the showing of 'ET'. Ms Hilary Dour, of the pressure group Action Against Anything At All, has been vocal in her opposition to Spielberg's entry to the country. Speaking from her padded room, she railed, "this disgusting film shows aliens interacting with vulnerable young people without CRB checks having been done, or any involvement of a responsible adult. It also promotes dangerous behaviour on the part of children, including flying on their bicycles. Won't someone please think of the. . oh, yes Nurse, it is time for my injection".

However, senior Peers Baroness Cox and Lord Pearson have condemned the decision to deny Mr Spielberg access. In a statement, they said, "They react in fury and menace to our intention to show the film and have boasted that their threats of aggressive demonstrations prevented its previous showing in the Mother of Parliaments. This was not the case – the event was postponed to clarify issues of freedom of speech. The threat of intimidation in fact increases the justification for the film to be shown and discussed in Parliament and by the British and international press.

"Indeed, any alleged threats associated with Lord Ahmed of attempts to prevent the showing of the film would themselves be a confirmation of the film’s message and the need for it to be shown".

ET himself was unavailable for comment, as he was making a phone call.


  1. Really good.
    It's the first laugh I've had over this serious and disturbing event for some time. Actually it's no laughing matter is it?
    Thing are just beginning to get a little too "near the boil" for me.

  2. Jaquis ridiculous ban on Geert Wilders has given the film FITNA far greater promotion than an obscure screening in Parliament.
    Well Done That Woman !

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