Sunday, January 25, 2009

Whiter Than White?

Would the Noble Lords Truscott and Taylor care to explain their actions? The Electorate is waiting....

More on this next week, when I have time to let the rant brew.


  1. Anonymous9:52 am

    Unfortunately, Dungeekin, the Lords are not answerable to the electorate, only to their cronies who put them there in the first place.

  2. Hi Henry

    You're absolutely right....

    ...however, what's beautiful about this is that is is pitching up squarely at the door of No 10.

    So whether or not these (allegedly) corrupt sleazemongers were elected or not, it's going to give Mr Twit and his little friends a right kicking in the polls.


  3. All were Labour lords appointees and only one ever did a proper job in his entire life; Lord Snakey Snoop was in the Army and later a porter with British Rail, both good places to learn about 'graft'.
