Tuesday, January 20, 2009

They're Changing Prez at the Capitol Palace

They're changing Prez at the Capitol Palace -
President Bush is replaced by Barack.
Dubya will bugger of back to his ranch.
"It's time for change, so give it a chance,"
Says Barack.

They're changing Prez at the Capitol Palace -
President Bush is replaced by Barack.
Millions of people turned out to cheer.
"If it wasn't for you then I wouldn't be here,"
Says Barack.

They're changing Prez at the Capitol Palace -
President Bush is replaced by Barack.
He'll swear his Oath of Office today
"And then I'll get rid of Guantanamo Bay,"
Says Barack.

They're changing Prez at the Capitol Palace -
President Bush is replaced by Barack.
Cheney was Dubya's 'eminence grise'.
"But no-one knows who my Vice-President is,"
Says Barack.

They're changing Prez at the Capitol Palace -
President Bush is replaced by Barack.
Gordon Brown asks "have you heard all about me?"
"You're the guy who screwed up your economy,"
Says Barack.

They're changing Prez at the Capitol Palace -
President Bush is replaced by Barack.
"I'll make America great once again""
"As long as the rednecks don't blow out my brains,"
Says Barack.

(with apologies to A. A. Milne)