Monday, January 19, 2009

PM and Chancellor to Join Magic Circle

Gordon Brown and Alistair Darling have been invited to become members of the prestigious Magic Circle, the UK's 'secret society' for top magicians.

Magic Circle President Ali Bongo said that the invitation to the PM and Chancellor was in recognition of their work on the economy and the bank bailout, which he described as an illusion "worthy of David Copperfield at his best".

Mr Bongo said, "the recent actions of the Prime Minister and Chancellor in handling the banking crisis shows the distraction techniques used by the best close-up magicians are translatable to any environment. This alone would make them eligible for Magic Circle membership - however, their ability to make billions of pounds appear from nowhere is a stroke of absolute genius worthy of David Copperfield at his best".

A Downing Street spokesman said that Mr Brown welcomed the honorary membership, describing it as "a great honour". However, he added that Mr Brown was getting on with the job and working closely with Mr Darling to produce their greatest illusion yet - making all the banks disappear from private ownership.

Mr Darling's eyebrows were unavailable for comment.

(Published in 'The Spoof', 19 January 2009).


  1. Anonymous1:03 pm

    This is a joke, right....???

  2. Anonymous8:20 am

    You forgot to mention their innate ability to make billions of pounds of taxpayers' money disappear into various black hole projects, never to be seen again.
