Wednesday, January 28, 2009

News in Brief - 28 January 2009

Netherlands in Diplomatic Tussle With Iceland
Netherlands in diplomatic incident with Iceland over the appointment of a new, Lesbian Icelandic PM - the Dutch claim that only they have rights to important dykes.

ITV Suspends Production of 'Heartbeat'
Filming has been suspended on further episodes of Heartbeat, after ITV executives finally realised the show no longer had a pulse. 'Star' Joe McFadden is to be humanely destroyed, say producers.

Downing Street Appoints New Spokesman
The new spokesman for the PM is to be Muhammad Saeed Al-Sahhaf, former Iraqi Information Minister. Sources said he would 'bring clarity' to Gordon Brown's statements, especially on the economy.

'Data Privacy Day' Too Private?
Today is World Data Privacy Day - but nobody found out about it in advance as the organisers didn't want to tell anyone about it.

Scottish Nationalists Lose Budget Vote
The SNP failed to pass its Budget vote in the devolved Holyrood Assembly, amid fears that the Jocks would blow the whole lot on McEwans Export and deep-fried Mars Bars.

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