Wednesday, January 21, 2009

An 'L'ish ChaLLenge

Twitter, for those who aren't yet aware of it, is the microblogging microcosm of the world, with millions of users chatting, questioning, boring and chuntering in 140 characters or less. It's great fun and populated with all sorts, from proles such as your Humble Correspondent to household names such as the eminent wit and wordsmith Mr Stephen Fry.

And it is to him that I owe this post, for it is he who set his Twitter followers - all fifty thousand of them - the following challenge:

" L=50 in Roman. The best tweet containing exactly 50 Ls will win. All tweets to contain the tag #L and none to exceed 140 character limit "
This was, as you may imagine, a nontrivial task. To create something that actually makes any sense yet contains the magical 50 'L's was, I found, spectacularly difficult. However, I've given it my best shot and came up with this:
" All! All luv all, all; all life, all luv. All! All let all luv all. All! All life lolls in luv, all. All let all love all, all. All? All. "
It's 'L'ishly hard to achieve, attempting to do so is addictive, and I urge you all to have a try - either submit your suggestions on Twitter, or alternatively pop them in my comments field.
Have fun.

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