Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Gordon's Alive!

(To the tune of. . . ah, you know it.)

Crash! A-ah!
Saviour of the Universe
Crash! A-ah!
He's screwed everyone of us
Crash! A-ah!
He's a miracle
Crash! A-ah!
King of the Economy

He's for everyone of us
He dreams he's saved all of us
He saves with his mighty hand
Every bank, every business
And the World - he's a mighty

Just a man
With a lack of courage
Nothing but a ditherer
As the country fails
No-one but the Cabinet
Thinks he hasn't failed....

Mr Twit has saved the world, apparently. Someone dispatch Warlock and Ajax to bring back his body.


  1. "You're funnnnny!" ;o)


    I would have done a recording with your lyrics but it was a bit too late to be recording vocals and I'm not a great singer.

    May still consider it though.
