Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Ask Yourselves a Question

Back in September, as the storm clouds of economic collapse began to 'lour over our shores', I looked at the Brown Regime with increasing fear. I saw a Vision of the Future, and it wasn't pleasant.

You can find it here:

A Vision of the Future - Part One
A Vision of the Future - Part Two
A Vision of the Future - Part Three

With rumblings in the air of a February General Election, my thoughts have again returned to the Brown Regime and to a man deluded enough to believe he has saved the world. Watch the news. Ask yourself a simple question.

Do you REALLY think you will get a vote?

I am, more than ever, certain that whatever date is set for the General Election, it will be preceded by a terrorist incident of some kind. That will be the catalyst for the Brown Regime to invoke the Civil Contingencies Act 2004.

Look at the date of that legislation. Look which Government introduced and implemented that legislation. Ask yourself why they introduced it, and who it benefits.

Read the legislation. Note the definitions of an 'emergency'. Ask yourself, objectively, just how easy it would be for an incident to fall within these parameters.

You cannot protest - you will fall foul of the Fingermen. Your Opposition cannot challenge, for fear of arrest. Challenge the Regime in public, you're likely to end up taking a terminal walk in the woods.

Time and again the Regime have removed our Civil Liberties - even wanting to restrict the Freedom of the Press - and each reduction has increased the likelihood of a Totalitarian State. British Freedom is already dead, and your right to an elected Government died with it.

Do you REALLY think you will get a vote?

Our economy in free-fall, unemployment exploding, Sterling collapsing, this once-great nation now a laughing stock, debt to handcuff not just us, but generations to follow. And the Brown Regime still spinning, still outright lying, supported as ever by their cohorts in Pravda.

Still desperate to keep their grubby hands on the power they coveted for so many years. They've come this far, made this many laws, gained more control over you and yours than any Government in history.

Perhaps I'm cynical, perhaps I'm pessimistic. But all I can do is watch the news, listen to the lies and the spin, and draw my own disheartening conclusions.

Ask yourself.

Do you REALLY think you will get a vote?

1 comment:

  1. You wrote: "Look at the date of that legislation. Look which Government introduced and implemented that legislation. Ask yourself why they introduced it, and who it benefits."

    One thing I have learned during my 69 years is to ask yourself two questions whenever you see items in the press about one thing or the other. These are cui bono and mal bono which stand for "who benefits" and "to whose detriment"

    This will help everyone to be a wiser person within the treacherous world of politicians.

    I have now RSSd you into Google Reader :-)
