Wednesday, November 26, 2008

VAT: They're Taxing AND Lying.

I earlier asked if the Goonvernment were Taxing or Lying.

It's both. Colour me staggeringly unsurprised.

Of course, our dear Leaders are telling Nick Robinson et al that the above was "an option that had been considered by ministers but then rejected before yesterday's statement by the chancellor".

And this, dear Reader, is another beautiful example of the misuse of language to mislead by politicians. Let's review the Treasury response to this, and this time put in the words that they have oh-so-carefully left out, shall we?

"An option that had been considered {for announcement in the PBR} by ministers but then rejected before yesterday's statement by the chancellor' {because by including it we'd show that we're only pretending to tax the rich with the high-income changes, when in fact we fully intend to hammer you plebs by raising a further £5bn in VAT on everyone, and that wouldn't have gone down well in the polls}."

Remember, folks. With politicians, it's not what they say you have to worry about - it's what they DON'T say that's the scary bit.

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