Thursday, November 20, 2008

Eeurghstenders. . .

I've got a great idea for a TV Drama series! This is dead realistic, this, you'll love it. It's a gritty, exciting taste of real life. OK, how about this. . . .

There's this bloke, right, and he's a really nasty piece of work. He has an affair with his own son's girlfriend. . . and then gets busted on his son's wedding day. His wife is bitter and twisted, and hits him over the head with a spade and buries him alive, then suffers a crisis and digs him back up again. . . she throws him out, and then shacks up with her ex-husband's brother.

She and her new fella are all set to run away together, and on the night they're due to escape her ex-husband is run over and left critically ill in a hit-and-run accident. It's attempted murder! After much investigation, it transpires that he was run over by his ex-wife - and the only witness to this awful attack is . . . . .

. . . .wait for it. . . .

. . . .I love this twist. . .

. . . . The former wife of his son, the same girl who was his ex-lover!

There you go, a taste of the gritty reality of life in the East End - or utter, pointless, depressing bollocks? You decide!

Actually, don't - who the hell writes such depressing, miserable, incestuous, unbelievable tosh? More importantly, how can anyone - anyone at all* - find it in the slightest bit interesting? It's dire beyond belief. I hate this programme. I would sooner scoop my eyes out with a melon-baller than watch this turgid drivel.

Currently entering Hour Three of The Darling G's Eastenders marathon....and wishing for sweet oblivion.

*Even The Darling G, who I of course adore and who otherwise has wonderful taste.


  1. Anonymous8:48 pm

    this is what happens in life to balance th Genius of West Wing and Gilmore Girls.

  2. I share your pain. I am in exactly the same position with Mrs -O.

  3. Can't bare the program. ;o(
