Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Wot A Pair of Pwats

So after all the wecwiminations, complaints and public outwage, the BBC have done the decent thing and suspended Wussell Bwand and Jonathan Woss.


Their actions were insulting and demeaning, and how this pair of twats and their wespective 'pwoducers' could have considered this amusing is beyond me.

Wule of thumb, gentlemen - if your 'pwank' is something that would, if delivered face-to-face, get you a punch on the nose then it's pwobably something you shouldn't do.

Of course, I also fail to understand the need for our worthy politicians to stick their oars in - while the cwass actions of these two embawwassingly-coiffed 'slebs' were outwageous, it's a matter for their Management, not our so-called Leaders. So I think we've probably heard enough about these two jumped-up, overpaid and infantile idiots and their asinine antics - they'll suffer enough in the long wun.

I've never liked Bwand anyway. It seemed to me that his only talents were the dwess-sense of a Kings Cwoss dosser and hair by Van De Gwaaff.

Oh, and Wossie? I had your missus mate. Hurgh hurgh hurgh. Yeah, that's dead funny that.

A couple of wight woyal rankers, both of 'em.


  1. I couldn't have put it better myself!

  2. Yeah. Wot she sed. And hello.

  3. Hello to you as well, Brennig, and thanks for reading.

    Nice to meet another Oxfordshire blogger, even if I'm jealous that you get *paid* to write reviews!


  4. Anonymous3:37 pm

    I have to admit that I've found both of them very funny at times, but inevitably, they push the envelope too far, resort to lavatorial comments which can be just downright cringe-making.

    My teenage son comes up with better lines.

    I do think that the politicians jumped on this because it takes our eyes of them and their incompetence for a while.

    We met on Brit Bloggers :-D

    Love the blog, think I may be hanging around here instead of doing other things....
