Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Monaco and Photoshoots

So the Darling G and I celebrated our third anniversary (Happy Anniversary, darl', by the way. xx) with a trip to the Principality of Monaco.

I haven't sorted out the photos yet, and will do a proper writeup of Monaco once I've done so and posted them to Flickr. I've also got two restaurant reviews to complete for the Principality as well, so keep your eyes peeled on Dungeekin's Eatings (and Qype) for them too.

However, let me just say that it's AMAZING. Wonderful people, lovely food, amazing cars and stunning superyachts. And motorsport.

Tonight's an exciting night too - we're off to Venture Portraits for the viewing session of the photoshoot we had with the boys the other weekend. I think they're going to be fantastic pics, and I have this feeling that the credit card's about to take a battering from which it will not soon recover!

Add to that 'story-time' tomorrow, the three articles I have to write for other places and, of course, the incessant time-sink that is the day job, and I'll post a more detailed account when I get A Round Tuit.

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