Friday, October 03, 2008

Let Me Speak Clearly

Following an announcement from The Powers That Be at work this very afternoon, I think it's important to make my feelings on the matter abundantly clear.

I shan't make the actual topic public in these Bloggeries, but needless to say it was one that swiftly and efficiently garnered The Wrath Of Dungeekin. Which, I confess, doesn't narrow it down much.

It's been said before that I have a potty mouth, and I enjoyed a very cathartic session of Anglo-Saxon vernacular in another recent post, so for the sake of my more delicate readers and The Darling G I will endeavour to keep this clean.

You can CENSORED my CENSORED and CENSORED it up your CENSORED CENSORED with a RUSTY CENSORED - it's CENSORED CENSORED CENSORED's felching CENSORED CENSORED goat-sucking CENSORED interfering with CENSORED, on CENSORED CENSORED Spanish Inquisition. CENSORED CENSORED of a SYPHYLITIC MOOSE and, anyway, CENSORED CENSORED on a CENSORED up CENSORED you fetid CENSORED . If you CENSORED with a CENSORED underpants of an unwashed Frenchman's CENSORED CENSORED on a red-hot soldering iron, 440V and CENSORED, your CENSORED smelled of elderberries and CENSORED CENSORED, oozing pustules of CENSORED .

So CENSORED and have a nice CENSORED. And your little dog, too.

I feel better for that. I think it needed to be said.


  1. Anonymous8:26 pm

    I'm loving your censored elderberries and censored pustules of unwashed Frenchmen during the censored Spanish Inquisition. I don't care much for the red-hot soldering iron though. Too many censored memories.

    All in all, you're quite right; it does need to be said.

  2. Anonymous12:50 pm

    One could not have put it better oneself.
