Thursday, October 30, 2008

Drowning The Silence

Back in 2001, I wrote a short book about my experiences from ending one relationship to starting a new one.

I called it 'Drowning The Silence' - a reference to coming to terms with the change, to being the only person in your home in the evening, to dealing with the loss and starting over.

It was well received by friends, family and third-parties - though sadly not by publishers - so I've taken the decision to publish the book online.

You'll be able to find it HERE, and the plan is to publish one or two chapters a week. The first will be posted this evening.

I hope that you enjoy it - all comments are, as ever, very welcome.


  1. Cmon! Show us the beef. In a literary kind of way of course.

  2. Introduction and the first chapter have been posted, dear sir.

    Feedback from a published author would, of course be extremely welcome.


