Thursday, October 23, 2008

A BUisness Proposal For Msieur Sarkozy

(In honour of this piece of beautiful luserism from the worthy Gentleman. Hat-tip to Loudmouthman for the link).

Dear TheHonourable Mr Nicola Sarkozy

I have heard from many sources that you are an honourabel person of good character, ant it is to you that I extend the greetings of the Presbyteran Church and entreat do business with you worshipful selves.

I am Mr Gibbon Brooni lately Prime Minstor of THe United Kingdom of Graet Britain and Eire, and I have been entrusted the disposition of the banks of Britain to interested person in confidential transaction.

The owners of banks HBOS, Northern Rock and LloydsTBS have all departed this shores for new offices in the Cayman Islands, and in the absence of other beneficiaries you are nominated by virtue of the entrys in Domesday Book of 1068 as new owner, elegible for the Dividend payment of Thirty Seven Billion Six Hundred Million Pounds UK Sterling (£37,600,000,000) into nominated account of Your choice.

To benefit from this beneficiary please respond this mail, including reference of the France Central Bank account number and sorting code so that we may initiate the credit of your funds.

I Have The Hon0ur To Remain, Sir, Your Freind And Servant

Giboon Brooni

Prime Minotaur
United Kingdmo Of Great Birtain and Eireland.

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