Friday, March 28, 2008

I Have A Potty Mouth


The Darling G has asked me to moderate the somewhat colourful language I tend to use in my posts when referring to the UnClued or those members of the general population who have aroused my ire, so that she can let her family see my posts.

So, this means I'm no longer allowed to use the words f&%#, sh*$, b0ll*!^s and, of course, c*$t.

Hopefully, arse is still allowed - if it isn't, then that'll be a pain in the posterior.

I'll now have to go through my prior posts, editing the language and trying to find suitable euphemisms once I've run out of special characters to use!

In other news, I note that I've posted as much in the first quarter of this year as I did in the whole of 2007. Nice to have a readership again, and even better to have inspiration!

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