Wednesday, January 23, 2008

Noise, Noise Noise!

My teeth are rattling in sync with the house, my ears are bleeding.....

We've got The Builders in.

Yes, after several months of indecision, wavering and even putting the house on the market, we decided to do the sensible thing, get rid of the unfeasibly large downstairs cloakroom and bring that salvaged space into an enlarged living room.

I mean, the size of that downstairs WC! Fine, I can understand building regs, but a wheelchair-accessible loo in a 3-storey house? That's just wrong.

So anyway, once the final decision was made things moved staggeringly quickly from quotes to agreement, and on Monday morning James the Builder rocked up and turned our once-beautiful living room into a symphony of concrete, new radiator pipes and breezeblock dust....

We're onto Day 3 of the build now, and right now James is taking down the old wall, going through it with a power drill roughly the size of a small child. I'm hiding in my top-floor study, feeling the vibrations coming through the building and telling myself that it's all going to be worth it in the end.

Photos to follow once I can be bothered to upload them...

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